Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud represents a strategic evolution, aiming to supplant the Program Management Module (PMM) and NPSP entirely. This shift signifies a move towards integrated, adaptable, and comprehensive solutions tailored to the nonprofit sector's evolving needs.


Key Terminology Changes:

One of the first things to note in Nonprofit Cloud is the change in terminology, reflecting its more expansive and nuanced approach. Services have been renamed to “Benefits”, Engagements have been renamed to “Enrollments”, and Deliveries have been changed to “Disbursements.” These changes are not just cosmetic but signify a shift in how data is organized and utilized.

Enhanced Relationship Management:

The introduction of Person Accounts in Nonprofit Cloud signifies a significant advancement in relationship management, allowing for more nuanced and diverse relationship types. This allows for the creation of Contacts that do not require a separate account or Household and includes support for relationships such as Households, Multi-household relationships, blended families, etc. 

Robust Reporting and Categorization:

Nonprofit Cloud's new ‘Benefit Type’ allows for detailed categorizations of benefits, enhancing the capability to report on metrics across various programs. For instance, organizations can easily track and report on specific metrics like the total number of coaching hours delivered, regardless of the program.


Flexible Participant Engagement:

Nonprofit Cloud's creates added flexibility in allowing participants to join individual sessions rather than having to join an entire service schedule, as it is in PMM. This is especially useful for accommodating irregular participation changes such as drop-ins or last-minute cancellations.


Streamlined Service Delivery and Program Enrollment:

With Nonprofit Cloud, program enrollments allow for assigning specific quantities of a benefit to a participant in advance, which wasn't as straightforward in PMM. In the PMM environment, users had to manually create a program engagement each time they wanted to track a service delivery. NPC simplifies this process, especially for walk-in clients, by enabling the automatic creation of program enrollment and benefit assignments. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for managing walk-in clients or large volumes of service deliveries. The ability to track anonymous recipients in Nonprofit Cloud is another notable addition, expanding the scope of service delivery and inclusivity.


In Conclusion, Nonprofit Cloud marks a significant advancement in nonprofit management software, effectively replacing the Program Management Module (PMM) and Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) with more integrated, flexible, and comprehensive solutions. It introduces a  more nuanced approach to data and relationship management with the addition of Person Accounts. While Nonprofit Cloud can seem like just terminology and UI changes, this tool is a redefinition of how nonprofits interact with data, manage relationships, and deliver services, setting a new standard in the nonprofit sector.